Ask Siggy the Shrink

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QUESTION: "Is there anyone out there who can sympathize?? I am an attractive 30 year old woman who works in a company with 45 men (salesmen) and 3 and 2 sixty+. VERY difficult. Any suggestions to bridge the culture gap. We live in two different worlds and as much time as spend there, I am getting really burned out. I find it is greatly effecting all other areas of my life.HELP!!!!"


Subj: Build your personal network

Wow! That does sound like a path to burn out. The situation you describe provides you with very little 'natural' common ground, opens up all kinds of generation issues about appropriate relations between the sexes, and the attractive quality you mentioned probably draws a certain kind of interest from some of the men.

I don't know what motivates you to work in such a situation, or what your ambitions are, but I encourage you to build a strong outside-work-social support system with women in your age group, so that you're not dependant on this work constellation for much of anything!

Obviously, I can't relate to your circumstance through any direct experience of my own. However I did know a woman many years ago who chose to become an airline pilot (in what was then an almost totally male profession) because there was so much opportunity for an enterprising woman with the necessary intelligence and commitment!

Remember that you always have the choice of voting with your feet, and finding a place to work that fits you better! Good luck,


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